It can be a nerve racking experience to visit a church for the first time. Here's what you can expect at Hazelwood Baptist Church --
People just like you
- young and old
- blue and white collar
- various age groups
- all kinds of ethnicities and cultures.
We have people that are mature in their faith, new in their faith, and curious about faith. We are all different and that's what is so beautiful about creation and the church. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and our differences allow us to be one uniquely constructed church, fulfilling different roles and ministries to the glory of God
- What is it like?
- Worship services are a little over an hour.
- Traditional service (mainly hymns) at 8:00
- Blended service (hymns and contemporary music) at 10:45
- Where do I park?
- Guest parking is available across from the Worship Center entrance facing Howdershell Road
- What do I wear?
- Most dress casually and comfortably
- How can I get connected?
- Friendly greeters can help you get settled
- What about my kids during Sunday School and Worship Services?
- Wee Kids provides a safe, happy, and secure environment for birth-kindergarten
- Kids grades 1-5 have their own Bible Study during Sunday School and after the musical worship in the service, prior to the message, are offered the opportunity to gather in HBC Kids Worship