Campaign Launch

January 15, 2025

Today marks the start of an exciting new journey for Hazelwood Baptist Church! We are launching our capital campaign, "Built to Last," aimed at raising funds to maintain our church grounds and set aside resources for church planting.

This campaign will be a two-fold blessing: 80% of funds raised will go toward improving our facilities, ensuring that Hazelwood is a place of worship for years to come. The other 20% will go towards future church planting, extending the reach of the gospel beyond our walls. Watch the video for additional details and read below for info on how the proceeds from this campaign will be used.

Your generosity is changing lives
Simple and secure giving: Give one-time or schedule recurring giving.

We are asking each family to prayerfully consider how they can participate and submit a pledge by February 23. Committing to a pledge will help our Trustees and Finance Committee plan timing of future projects.

Let’s come together to make an eternal impact. Your generosity will build something that lasts.

Make a Pledge Donate Now

Q & A

Project 1: Preschool wing foundation
  • The foundation under the Preschool wing in sinking. Steel piers need to be professionally installed to shore up the foundation and prevent futher damage.
  • Estimated cost $25,000; down payment has been made
  • Goal: pay off balance of ~$16,000 by year’s end
Project 2: Front sign repair
  • Panels atop the marquee are cracked, lights are out
  • Estimated cost: ~$1,500
  • Estimated timing: Spring 2025
Project 3: Sewer pump
  • The waste water pipes from HBC sit lower than the MSD sewer line. We have a holding tank that receives our waste water and pumps it up into the public sewer system.
  • This pump system is very old, and a failure could cause significant damage by way of sewers backing up into the building (this happens on occasion today, recently on a Sunday morning!)
  • Cost/needs unknown at this time. Minimum $3,000 for a professional assessment
  • Goal: hire a contractor for an assessment and develop a plan for repairs and/or upgrades
  • Security cameras upgrade
    • cost $15,000
    • current camera views are limited with poor resolution
  • Gym floor repair/replacement
    • assessment needed
    • will evaluate current condition and weigh cost of repairing broken tiles against complete replacement
  • Worship Center beautification
    • assessment needed
    • will evaluate carpet, pews, general lighting, stage lighting

Did you know that HBC began as a church plant from Berkley Baptist Church in 1954? We literally wouldn’t exist as a church if it were not for the planning and foresight of faithful Christians who preceded us. We want to continue the mission and tradition of multiplying disciples in Christ in new neighborhoods to reach new people.

It's unwise to think we can accomplish long-term goals without planning along the way. Just like we want to raise funds for large projects for our building, we need to plan and raise funds for evangelism, too.

Therefore, 20% of every donation to “Built to Last” will be set aside into a designated account and reserved to inform a church-planting plan that will be developed within the next 5-7 years.

We must not focus exclusively on one task while abandoning the other! We are called to be good stewards, and we are also called to multiply, connecting lost people to the hope of the gospel in new neighborhoods. We need to be doing both at the same time. Today, our building & grounds need some immediate TLC. While church-planting is further out on the horizon, we want to start building a repository of funds that are reserved for this vital future endeavor.

Our budget is built to maintain regular church operations but not for planning large, one-time expenses. Our budget consists primarily of missions, ministry, utilities, maintenance, insurance, and personnel. It does not have capacity to absorb additional expenses in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Instead, to accomplish these goals, we will execute on projects as we raise funds. Pledges and donations should NOT replace regular, faithful giving.

In 2024, our reserves earned a return of over $40,000. We also made withdrawals from our reserves to help cover expenses. In other words, our current investments are providing income which helped cover the budget shortfall. Reducing the reserves further would deplete that income engine which is something our Finance Committee desires to avoid. 

Contact the church office with any questions or concerns you may have, and your question will be routed to the most appropriate person who can provide an answer.

Phone: (314) 731-2244